This past week I’ve been adding more plants in the containers around the pool. Here is one of my newest favorites! Check out the checkerboard pattern of this moss. I spotted it across the garden center at Walmart and knew I had to have it. I love the way it looks inside a chicken wire basket I bought at Homegoods and filled with sphagnum peat moss.
My other plants are still growing strong. I added a bunch of purple petunias to my hanging basket which helped him fill out the bald spots.
Not only am I President of Hair Club for Plants I’m also a member.
I finally got the big blue pots planted. I scored two giant bags of styrofoam peanuts from my local Freecycle group to fill them up halfway so that I wouldn’t need so much potting soil. Saves money, and helps with the weight factor, as well.
A red mandevilla vine and a white dianthus filled up the green pot just fine. I’m hoping for the mandevilla to spread out over the split face block wall and give me some vertical colors and textures besides boring beige this summer.
I packed a bookoodle of plants into these containers in hopes of having them spill over and down the sides like professional planters. All of these guys are full sun lovers and most of them are drought tolerant so hopefully they will survive baking inside these giant ceramic ovens in the Alabama heat that is just around the bend.
Here is the list of plants in these pots:
Purple Salvia (Miley Cyrus would be proud)
White zonal Geranium in the center (stinky but pretty)
Red Snapdragons (oh snap I love these plants!)
Purple Petunias (a cheap staple for any container)
Grace Ward Lithodora (the bluest flowers you’ll ever meet)
Dusty Miller (this plant needs a country music song)
White Bacopa (love the trailers!)
Here’s a tidbit I learned in my Googling of flowers last week– the more silvery colored the plant, the more drought tolerant it is. Who knew??
Last week Garrett’s watermelon seeds have broken through and seedlings are sprouting! He’s gotten kind of bored with this project already, but I’m trying to keep him into it. I bet he’ll love chowing down on some watermelon this summer.
Hope you guys are getting to get your fingers in the dirt as well! I would love to have you join me for the 2nd installation of the Garden Party that’s coming up on Wednesday!

Credit – Beth Bryan