It’s that time of year again! Today I’m joining some of my favorite farmhouse style bloggers for a fun Fall Home Tour Blog Hop!
It is so, soooooooo hot, y’all.
Alabama has shattered the records for the highest September and October temperatures in history with highs well over 100 for the past few weeks.
I almost had a heat stroke taking these pictures for my fall home tour, but, it was worth it because miraculously– by some insane stroke of luck– I managed to get a tree to actually produce REAL LIVE FALL COLOR in my yard this year! I don’t think that’s ever happened in all the years I have been hosting fall home tours here on the ol’ blog.
Like Eric Church says… I’m having a record year.
So, without further heat-stroke ado, let’s step on up to my front porch and into my 2019 fall home tour!
Get ready to go Gourd Overboard.
I found these CUTE stacked pumpkins and this light-up “Harvest” sign at my local TJMaxx. I had a stack of Reward Gift Certificates so I got these babies for FREE! Woohoooooo.

My husband made this blue and white pumpkin cutout from reclaimed wood a few years ago. I pulled it out of the basement because it coordinates beautifully with this little pastel pumpkin arrangement on my porch.

Once again, I have gone way overboard on the autumnal decor without really meaning to. Every year I tell myself that I’m gonna keep it simple and every year I wind up with pumpkins and gourds spilling off of every horizontal surface in my house.

I know that I have a tendency to go overboard with pretty much everything in life but when it comes to fall decorating I cannot help myself. Wanna know why?

Because I think I love Fall most of all.

My fireplace looks way better when there is a fire lit inside, but there was no way I was gonna raise the temps in my house any higher during this photoshoot so y’all are gonna have to imagine it in your mind.

See?? Isn’t that imaginary fire so nice and cozy?

My mom bought me this cute stack of painted books that say “apples hayrides pumpkins” for my birthday last month, and they made it front and center on my Fantel this year. She got them from an Etsy seller, although they seem super easy to DIY.

My neighborhood had a yard sale this weekend and I found those two cool old books at a neighbor’s sale. He gave them to me for free! How nice was that?

If some of this decor is looking familiar it’s because I’m crazy lazy and don’t redecorate very often. I think I’ve had these deer hangers and bells up here for a few years now.

I like em, so eh well.

I was telling my husband that I didn’t even want to do a fall home tour this year because it seems like I just use the same decorations over and over and over for the past 15 years. Surely y’all are tired of seeing the same old stuff, right?

It takes a lot of money (and storage space) to redecorate for every single season year after year. So, I will just keep shopping my house, shuffling things around and calling it a home tour until the traffic dries up, I guess.
Maybe I could turn it into a giant Seek-and-Find game where you guys have to figure out what all matches between this year’s and last year’s decor.
First person to spot all the matches gets to send me a Pinterest board full of new ideas for next year.
And a $200 Pottery Barn Gift Card. <evil grin>

One new thing is all the watercolor artwork I’ve been creating over the past year. My mom is obsessed with Let’s Make Art Subscription boxes and I go paint at her house her sometimes. This little blue door was the project in a recent box and I just loved it.

I shared another piece of watercolor art as a Free Printable here a few weeks ago. Click here to get your free printable “Let it Be Like Leaves on an Autumn Tree” artwork, by yours truly.

Oh look, here’s another pumpkin. In a yard sale basket. Inside a wreath of fall leaves. Super original, eh?

See?? Like I said. I cannot stop going overboard with the gourds! I’m so sorry. Y’all really do deserve better than this.

Oh wait, here’s a spot without any pumpkins on it. Only mixed metals, cinnamon sticks and acorns over here.

Until I zoom out a little bit and you get a sneak peek at my Thrifty Style Team project for October!

That particular post isn’t ready quite yet, but in the meantime, I’ll give you a quick look at what I created for October’s TST post.
Aren’t these little Jack-o-Lantern Candy Dispensers the cutest? I cannot wait to show you how I made them! Look for that post this Friday!

Thanks so much for taking the 2019 Fall Home Tour! I love doing these little posts with my blog buddies. Their homes are STUNNING!
Check out all the amazing fall decor in our cozy fall home tours!
Twelve On Main | Unskinny Boppy | A Blue Nest | Red Brick on the Lake
Sanctuary Home Decor | Saw Nail and Paint | Noting Grace | Honeycomb Home
The Little By Little Home | Postcards from the Ridge | Grace In My Space | Cribb Style | Finding Lovely