Thank you Better Homes and Gardens!

On occasion I participate in a thing called #gardenchat with Better Homes and Gardens and other gardeners on twitter. Turns out, on May the 9th @BHG was having a contest for everyone using the #gardenchat hashtag (that I admittedly didn’t even know about when I was tweeting it!) Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

Last week I got a direct message from BHG telling me that I won their Twitter Sweeps contest for one of my random tweets using the #gardenchat hashtag.

Check out all the amazing loot I won from Meredith Corporation and Better Homes and Gardens!

I am so dang excited! These books are like the bibles of the gardening world. They are slam-jam packed with every ounce of information that a backyard gardener would ever need. I can already use this info for my strawberry sucking snail problem. Although I like the suggestion of using eggshells better since they are free!

Another book is like a dictionary of gardening info. Tons of great info!

This book has my poor husband getting that deer in headlights look in his eyes. This one might get accidentally lost in the bookshelf because he doesn’t want me getting too many ideas that might lead to hard work in the Alabama heat.

And check out the gorgeous gardening plans inside this book!

Page after page of AMAZING photos and tons of BHG garden plans straight out of the magazines! Ahhhhh! I’m pee-in-my-pants excited over this one!

I cannot thank Better Homes and Gardens enough for giving me this incredible prize pack! For someone who loves gardening magazines as much or more than actually gardening, this prize is so perfect for me!

Credit – Beth Bryan