Ever since I decorated for my coworker’s rustic elegant bridal shower, I’ve had in mind to use those similar decorations for my fall mantel.
Rather than using the traditional orange/yellow/burgundy colors of autumn I wanted to use more muted tones with blues and greens to coordinate with my house.
Here is my best attempt at interpreting the shower decorations on a 6″ x 72″ ledge.
I found this muted blue wrought iron piece at Homegoods. It’s been all over my house but for now it found a spot on the mantel. I flanked it with my new Biltmore Inspirations vase, acorns and compliment jars.
On the right is a wheat bundle I bought at Homegoods and two scrolly tealight lanterns that were used as centerpieces at my fall themed wedding in October 2004.
On the left side of the mantel is my leaf vase from Alewine Pottery in Gatlinburg and my cheapo birch bark candles from the Target clearance section. I added a log slice to the back for some layers of texture and my little silver leaf from our honeymoon trip to the Biltmore.
On the far left is my Willow House Galveston Hurricane with all types of colored corn inside. The corn reminds me of my trips to Vermont in the Fall. Man, I love this time of year. Lots of memories on this mantel!
I DIY’ed the ruffled burlap garland that is weaving in and out of the mantel. I absolutely love how it turned out!
I’ll save the post on how I made it for Centsational Girl’s Fall Craft Themed Link Party in a few weeks. Check back soon for more burlaped goodness!
Down below I stacked up some pumpkins on an urn.
I tucked in reindeer moss underneath the Cinderella pumpkin to soften up the edges. Looking at that picture reminds me I need to tuck some more into the holes. 🙂
Here is the other side- just a few real pumpkins mixed in with a fake Funkin, fake pears and a ceramic pumpkin. I like to mix real and fake pumpkins together to get more bang for my buck.
Wishing all of you a very happy Fall season! How do you dress up your mantel for Fall?
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Credit – Beth Bryan