I can’t believe it. Can you?
August is halfway over. Temps are beginning to cool down here in the Deep South. Schools kids are assembling their Trapper Keepers. My mom and I saw our first little yellow butterfly of the year last weekend. That’s a sure sign that Summertime is starting to wind down and Fall is just around the bend. Since Fall is my absolute FAVORITE time of the year, I’m getting so excited to begin the transition. I’m also really excited to share another piece of news! My 2011 fall mantel (aka: fantel) has been featured on BHG.com!
My 2011 Fall Mantel featured by BHG.com
Click here to see my fall mantel along with lot of other bountiful beauties!
And this time when I got the email, I didn’t even shat in my pantaloonslike I did when they contacted me about my first feature. See how cool and calm and collected I am about it this time around? I’ve made progress, y’all. I’m getting a-hang of this publicity thing. Shat-free is the way to be.
So, let’s get ready to pull out the pumpkins and glitter the gourds, because it’s fantel decorating time! If you need some inspiration on fabricating your fantel, there are TONS of great pictures in the BHG.com article. I wanted to showcase a few of my favorite neighboring photos from the fall mantel decorating ideas that BHG.com assembled on their site from other bloggers, plus a few more I’ve found along the way. I ask that if you want to pin these beautiful mantels to please click through to the original site and pin it from their site!

via www.findinghomeonline.com

via tarahlowry.blogspot.com

via decorchick.com

via aprettylifeinthesuburbs.com

via savvyseasons.com/
And finally, the Mother of all Fantel decorators…. Pottery Barn.

via potterybarn.com
Happy almost Fall, y’all!
Credit – Beth Bryan