More New Living Room Paint- Third Times A Charm!


We had the living room painted.


I know y’all think I’m crazy. But at least now I’m happy and crazy! We started out with the dark beige color from the previous owners. There was nothing wrong with this color, it was just very dark, and very beige. Then I made the mistake of going with an almost-white / light beige color (Benjamin Moore Sailcloth). In my head, I wanted to try to pull off the gorgeous white rooms I see all over Pinterest these days. In reality, it looked like a house from the 80’s that had never been updated.

Don’t get me wrong– I think that white walls are great for small cottages and bungalows that need the rooms to look larger, and it’s great for cavernous rooms that have layers upon layers of moldings and trim. But in big cavernous rooms with nothing but sheetrook and a little bit of trim, I have found that you need some color to pull it off.

Here is a before and during shot of what the foyer has gone through in the past few months:

I never liked the Sailcloth color, even though I really hoped it would grow on me after the painters left.   But It didn’t.   So, after another coat of paint, here is where we are today:

Foyer with Restoration Hardware Silver Sage paint

This is using Restoration Hardware Silver Sage color matched by Sherwin Williams in a satin finish. I loved it so much in my kitchen that I carried it right on into the living room, foyer and balcony.  I am much happier with this new paint color. Even though it’s still a light and airy color, it’s really warmed up the room in comparison to the Sailcloth. It’s not as cold and stark in here anymore, which I love.

Here is another before and after to show you the difference:

Before (actually DURING) with the Ben Moore Sailcloth:

And after with RH Silver Sage.

foyer with silver sage paint

So now it’s time for me to get some stuff on the walls in the staircase.  I cannot decide what to put there so I just haven’t put anything because I’m lazy like that..  Another reason I keep putting it off  is because in July I ordered two giant Organic Bloom looking photo frames but they have yet to arrive.   After multiple emails to the seller I still don’t have a confirmation date on when they will get here.  I’m thinking of cancelling my order and trying to DIY these Organic Bloom frame knockoffs.

Now that we have a paint that I’m happy with the fireplace surround is next on my list of things to change in this room.

While I’d really love a big stone fireplace and a rustic mantel, I’m not sure how long it will be before I pull the trigger on that. Somehow, that faux green marble is going to go.

The wall that opens onto the kitchen and dining room is also where the tv armoire sits, so this is the view that gets stared at the most by my family.


I finally figured out what to do with that chicken crate that I scored over the summer!

The back wall décor hasn’t changed too much.  I can’t decide if I like the way the robin’s egg blue dresser is looking against this green/gray color.  It’s kinda clashing for me.  Nothing a little more paint can’t handle, I guess (on the dresser, not the wall!)

I’m 1000% happier with the way my tin tile looks against this paint color. It was so washed out against the other color that you almost couldn’t see it. Now the paint gives it a nice subtle backdrop that I really like.

The Nadeau bookshelf really stands out great on this wall.  I love the way it looks against the new paint.

1nadeau bookcase

So there you go!  It’s done!  The fact that I’m dedicating an entire blog entry to it should tell you that I’m extremely happy with this third coat of paint. I didn’t even bother blogging about the Sailcloth color because I was not that into it.

But finally I can say that the paint is done and I am happy!

It’s a good thing, too, since I probably won’t be redoing again until I’m 60ish.

Credit – Beth Bryan