Ahhhh crisp cool air. Pumpkins. Leaves falling. Fall has been calling my name this month! How about you? I’ve gotten a head start by decorating my dining room so I wanted to share that with y’all today. I’m teaming up with my favorite bHomies for this fun blog hop, and there will be prizes at the end! Woot!
Sarah at She Holds Dearly was the previous stop on this bHome blog hop, so if you’re joining me from her site, welcome! Wasn’t this photo of Sarah’s fall front porch just gorgeous? I love it, and her! She’s a sweetheart!
If you missed it, click here to go see Sarah’s fall decorating ideas.
On Thursday, I’ll be posting a big fall home tour showing you ALL of the rooms I’ve decorated for the season, but I wanted to give you a quick peek into one room in particular since I’m so in love with it.
So come on into the dining room!
My new dining table and chairs have truly transformed this room into something special. I LOVE being able to seat 6+ people around a table for the first time in my life.
No full-blown tablescapes with place settings going on at the table, just keeping it simple for now.
Just a centerpiece of pumpkins and wheat on a tray.
See the burlap cutout underneath it? That’s actually a picture frame!
I added some beans, bean, the magical fruit to these leather belted hurricanes to make pretty but simple candle holders. Oh and I scored that MudPie embroidered wreath table runner for 75% off at my local nursery! WOOT. I do love a good sale.
But, by far, my favorite part of the dining room are my new tin tile letters that spell out “BLESS”.
I found the actual tin tile piece in the back at a local antique store, but the letters came from Michaels!
They were on sale for 40% off when I spotted them, so I knew that I had to have them!
I stood in the aisle for no less than an hour trying to figure out a 4 or 5 letter word to spell out using the limited letters they had available. I tried THANKS and FALL and AUTUMN but every time I came up one letter short. I would lay them out on the floor tiles in an effort to find all the letters.
There were tin tile letters scattered EVERYWHERE. It was like a crazy game of Scrabble right there in the aisles of Michaels. Here’s a tip for manager’s of Michaels stores– how bout y’all alphabetize your letters instead of just tossing them out on the shelf? That would have helped immensely.
Finally I settled on BLESS. As in… Bless your heart. Bless this house. Bless those customers at Michaels who have to dig through all those un-alphabetized letters….
Seemed fitting for the Thanksgiving season, huh?
I think so.
I found this pretty little gold lace pumpkin at Homegoods.
The big gold leaf tray was also Homegoods, but these grey buckets came from IKEA.
If you are a big fan of velvety pumpkins, be sure to get yourself to the end of this post for a giveaway!
Some of my favorite junkity-junk over in one corner…. Cuz you know what goes good with junk?
More junk.
Before you go… Let’s talk about that giveaway!
Plush Pumpkin has graciously offered to provide a gorgeous collection of their stunning velvet pumpkins to one winner!
How to enter
Enter to win this beautiful deluxe collection of Velvet Pumpkins from our bHome Tour Sponsor- Plush Pumpkin.
Velvet Pumpkins from Plush Pumpkin are hand made of silk velvet, for a luxurious accent to your home.
To enter, please visit Plush Pumpkin and/or pin this image, and let us know in the comments that you did. {we trust you – good luck!}
Winner chosen by random & notified by email on Sept. 22.
I hope you guys have fun decorating your dining rooms and homes this harvest season! If you want LOTS more pretty fall inspiration today, be sure to hop over and visit my blog friends for the bHome tours!
The tour will continue tomorrow morning at 5 am over at Homemade by Carmona. Here’s a sneak peek at Ursula’s FABULOUS fall living room! Head over to her blog tomorrow morning to see more!
Now, head over and see the rest of the tours!
Visit all of today’s bHome Tours
My Soulful Home
Love of Home
She Holds Dearly
Unskinny Boppy
Visit the bHome Monday Tours
Southern Hospitality|Starfish Cottage|Cupcakes and Crinoline|Celebrating Everyday Life|Savvy Southern Style
Tuesday’s Tours
My Soulful Home | Love of Home | She Holds Dearly | Unskinny Boppy
Wednesday’s Tours
Home Made by Carmona|Teaselwood Design|Little Farmstead|Our Southern Home|Housepitality Designs
Thursday’s Tours
Stonegable | FrenchGardenHouse | Edith & Evelyn | Designthusiasm | Rooms for Rent
Credit – Beth Bryan