At our big family events growing up, my mama would put me in charge of the flower arrangements.
She said I had the magic touch when it came to arranging a bouquet of flowers in a vase, so that was always my job. Once I used her crystal punch bowl filled with cranberries and fall flowers for our Thanksgiving centerpiece and I thought she was going to cry, she loved it so much. I wish I had a picture of that bouquet, but it was way before the invention of social media when every little detail of every day got documented.
No Magic Required
The fact is, I don’t feel like there’s anything magic about arranging flowers at all. It’s a pretty straightforward process of creating a big ball of blooms and then adding a few different levels of texture and color around the outside to make it pretty.
Since I feel like this is something anyone can do with a bit of direction, I decided to walk you guys through a step-by-step of exactly how I create a bouquet of flowers. For parties or just everyday entertaining, you can save yourself some money and DIY this fun job.
Blogger bonus points if you grow the flowers yourself.

Step-by-Step Flower Arranging Tutorial
I created this video to show you guys exactly how I make my own floral arrangements using cuttings from my garden. Yesterday you saw How to Plant a Cutting Garden so that you can have plenty of flowers on hand to make arrangements like this all year round.
Now it’s time to turn those blooms into a bouquet for a kitchen table centerpiece, straight from garden to table. Here’s my simple step-by-step tutorial to show you exactly how I do it:
How easy is that? You can totally do this! Just be sure there are no bugs hiding in there before your guests arrive.
Because nobody wants a Japanese beetle in their beef bourguignon.
You got this, kids!

Credit – Beth Bryan